Sunday, April 3, 2011


Narcolepsy is a chronic neurological sleeping condition in which people can fall asleep at unusual times during the day like at school or work. It usually appears between ages 15 and 25 and remains for the rest of a lifetime. This can occur while standing, walking, talking, eating, or performing any other daily task that usually keeps your attention level high and highly concentrated on your task. Another interesting fact about people with narcolepsy is that just after ten minutes of sleep, they may enter REM, while a normal person enters REM after an average of about ninety minutes. Additionally, in most cases, narcolepsy is accompanied by catalepsy. The latter is a condition in which muscles temporarily go weak and loose functionality. There are various levels of catalepsy from weakness of face muscles, to dropping of head, to limb paralysis, and even to total collapse. People with this condition need to have someone constantly with them to make sure that they do not severely injure themselves and to wake them up after these unfortunate fazes. The example of Mohammed in the video is really sad because he has both narcolepsy and catalepsy. Therefore, he is unable to do simple tasks like drive or work because he will be ineffective and could probably kill himself. He has a lady, I am not sure if it is his wife, who constantly follows him around, sustains him when he collapses, and wakes him up after the short naps. Narcolepsy is rare, but does exist, and it is hereditary. The condition is scary and sad because with this, a normal life is impossible.

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