In response to the video about mind-reading, there is nothing to say except OMG! The capability of science and human development everyday is growing more and more; and today, the technology behind mind-reading is developing. One of the things that humans in all places and under all circumstances enjoy is the right to privacy of thought. With such technology, this right would be put into question. Who is allowed to know what you are thinking and who is not? This can be a very dangerous tool because secrets won't be secrets anymore, and consciousness won't be only yours. Definitely a legal battle will emerge, and supreme courts around the world will have to deal with this troublesome question. So far, this technology is primitive: only capable of reading extremely simple specific thoughts like objects and emotions using large and complex machines such as the MRI. However, with the start of a research field, development will continue to do things one thought could never exist. Look at long-distance communication. Before, to do this one had to shout . Then, it turned into fires, sparks, and sending messengers. During development, things like the mail, telegraph, fax, telephones, e-mail, and instant messaging emerged. Now, if you want to tell someone something all the way on the other side of the world, or even in space, you can tell them face to face through video-messaging. Where will mind reading end up in lets say a century? As said, this is extremely interesting, and somewhat scary, but its evidence that humans can achieve all things. As said in the video by one of the experts, "There is no such thing as science-fiction."
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